Saturday, November 11, 2006


One of the most offensive, insensitive, and crude movies to come out of Hollywood in years. It picks fun on everyone including politicians, Jews, Christians, Red Necks, Celebrities, Foreigners, and even Frat Boys. But somehow, this movie is filled with random enough random stuff that is so outlandish, so nuts, that is undoubtedly one of funniest movies in years.

When a journalist from Kazakhstan comes to see all that America has to offer, and he looks like the guy in the poster, you can just imagine what happens! Sashan Koen is absolutley brillant as Borat, and what is so amazing is that Koen is actually English. This is Dumb and Dumber supercharged with enough bathroom humor to keep anyone out of the bathroom for days.


RECOMMENDED: With extreme caution for crudeness and rudeness!

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