Sunday, June 01, 2008

Review: RAMBO

RAMBO is back, and bloodier than ever! Sylvester Stallone does his best to bring attention to the genocide taking place in Burma, an atrocity that is horrific and grisly in all its factual details, details that Stallone does not shy away from showing viewers from beginning to end. However, simply bringing attention to a current atrocity does not make up for the lack of genuine and likable characters, a compelling story, a dramatic arc, or a worth while script. This film is soaked in horrific violence that is there to show us how bad things are in Burma, but that is the extent of its purpose. It is sad to think that people will go see this film with the whole purpose of being entertained as Rambo kills "the bad guys," but Rambo is no hero, and is nearly as sadistic and depraved as his victims. The fact of the matter is that RAMBO contains no hero's or likable characters at all, no one to look up to, and no one the audience can trust to do the right thing. In Rambo, there are only violent and highly arrogant people who rely on violence to solve all their problems. In SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, we understood the great cost and the purpose behind the invasion of Normandy by US and allied troops, but in RAMBO, the bloodshed seems only there for the sake of bloodshed.


RECOMMENDATION: Not recommended for those that can't take the sight of lots of blood, and excruciating violence.

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